Transnational Meeting 4 in Tartu, Estonia
The fourth transnational meeting was organised in Tartu, Estonia in August 2011. The first part of the meeting was addressed to exchanges of experiences related to the prototype demonstration plant and progress in scientific research. Therefore the results reached so far were presented and discussed considering the productivity of semi-natural grasslands and the fuel quality after dehydration, combustion performances of produced solid fuels, analysis and use of digestates, silage quality as well as socio-economical preconditions of a PROGRASS implementation. Based on a SWOT-analysis the second part of the meeting concentrated on the planning of future activities.
The fourth meeting took place during the second research and demonstration phase of “blueConrad” in Estonia. This opened the chance to visit the plant installed in Märja. Under good weather conditions the PROGRASS plots could be inspected too (floodplain, mesic as well as wooded meadows).