Region of Vogelsberg
The density of population of the Vogelsberg district (state of Hesse) is with 78 inhabitants/km2 extremely low (compared to 287,4 inhabitants/km2 in the state of Hesse overall). 37 % of the district area is covered with forest, 56 % of the entire agricultural area (111.294 ha) is used for crop farming and 44 % for permanent grasslands. So the percentage of permanent grasslands in relation to total agricultural area is about 15 % higher than in average in Germany (~ 30 %).
The average farm size (41 ha of agricultural area/farm) exceeds the average farm size in Hesse (32,6 ha). In total 52 % of the farms are managing less than 20 ha and only 17 % of the farms manage more than 75 ha. 6,3 % of jobholders are (still) employed in agriculture and forestry, whereas all over Hesse only 1,6 % of jobholders are employed in this sector.